
Anglicans, Married Priests, and Contraception

For an interesting aspect of the recent efforts of the Catholic Church to make conversion by disaffected Anglicans more palatable, see Anglicans, Married Priests, and Contraception at http://www.commonwealmagazine.org/blog/?p=5076.

As the writer of the article observes:
If Anglicans are fleeing their communion because they reject the ordination of practicing homosexuals, they need to see that the Roman Catholic Church rejects contraception for much the same grounds that it rejects homosexual acts.
Will Anglicans tempted to swim the Tiber be willing to trace back to its source the train of events that has led to its current crises and repudiate their communion's abandonment of the historic Christian teaching on contraception which took place 80 years ago next summer?

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